Research into the effects of coloring activities for people living with dementia show positive outcomes, most notably a decrease in agitation and anxiety.

The therapeutic value of cocolouring comes in part from a participant’s need to concentrate and in doing so they may ‘forget’ their troubles whilst enduring colouring activity. Relaxation and meditative moods often follow.

Colouring activities are known to:

  • Improve mood
  • Relieve stress
  • Reduce agitation
  • Promote socialization and reminiscing
  • Provide an outlet for self-expression
  • Help to maintain motor function
  • Improve dexterity (grip control)
  • Improve hand-eye coordination
  • Encourage cooperation
  • Promote mindfulness (full attention & concentration required)
  • Provide a sense of accomplishment

Let’s colour in then! ❤️

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