Regular exercise is good for you. We all know that, but as people get older health complaints, mobility problems, or even simple lack of motivation can all lead to them becoming less active.

If a person you are caring for is spending long hours everyday chair-bound,  they may need some help and encouragement to increase their activity levels. It won’t just improve their physical health, but their mental health too.

The benefits of moving more

  • It gets the blood pumping round the body, and makes you less lethargic and more alert.
  • It’s good for your heart and can help reduce high blood pressure.
  • Regular exercise plays an essential role in reducing the risk of falls by improving core strength and balance.
  • It keeps the bones strong, and prevents muscles deteriorating, helping you maintain and even improve your level of mobility and independence.
  • It helps you sleep better at night.
  • It can improve self esteem and confidence in your own abilities.
  • It can provide opportunities for mixing with other people and socialising.
  • It can ease anxiety and agitation, and for anyone living with dementia can help reduce restlessness and wandering.

Exercise can be fun!

Exercise takes many forms and with a little imagination you’re sure to be able to find a suitable activity that your loved one will enjoy taking part in.

Don’t worry if they are reluctant to do very much at first. Try to find out what the problem is. Fear of falling or loss of both confidence and motivation are common worries that prevent people being active. Careful choice of activity and the provision of appropriate balance and mobility aids (such as walking stick or rollator) can make all the difference.

Nobody is suggesting a marathon! Gentle exercise of about 30/40 minutes – on a daily basis – is the order of the day.

So whether you enjoy a good walk outside, dancing round the living room, a spot of gentle gardening, housework, or even armchair aerobics, the emphasis needs to be on having fun.

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Sycamore Lodge is a thriving residential and nursing care home in Ashby, Scunthorpe offering high quality residential, nursing and respite care. We pride ourselves on providing a friendly and welcoming atmosphere so to find out more about the services we offer, please give us a call on 01724 410129.

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